To pay by credit card, go to the “Committees” webpage of the AAS website and click on “Make Committee Payments/Donations” at the top of the page. Scroll down to “Association for Chinese Art History (ACAH) at the bottom of the page and click on the green “Donate” button.
Please log in using the email address and password associated with your AAS membership. Check the box next to “Yes! I would like to donate to the Association for Chinese Art History” and fill in your personal details and credit card information, making a payment of $21.50 (this includes a $1.50 credit card service fee). If you are not currently a member of AAS, please use the “checkout as a guest” option.
The payment confirmation from AAS will be sent to the email address associated with your AAS membership or you can download the pdf from the Purchases tab in your AAS profile. Please submit the payment confirmation, along with the Membership Form, to You will receive confirmation of your active ACAH membership by return email.
To pay by check, please write the check to “Association for Asian Studies” for $20, indicate “ACAH” in the “for” line, and mail to:
Joanna Middleditch – ACAH
Association for Asian Studies
825 Victors Way, Suite 310
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Please submit the Membership Form, writing in the check number, to You will receive confirmation of your active ACAH membership by return email.